At English Martyrs’ Catholic School we receive students into Year 7 and Year 12 through the normal admission round and from time to time we admit students during the academic year should places become available. Please read this section carefully. It includes our prospectus and also the Admissions Policy which you are advised to read in full.

Should you wish to speak to someone at the school prior to making an Application please telephone Mrs O’Connor, Admissions Manager, at the school. 

There are four Catholic Secondary Schools serving the Catholic communities of Leicester City and Leicestershire and parts of nearby counties. Places are also available for students from other backgrounds whose parents wish them to be educated in a Catholic environment.

If you require help in making your choice of school or with the admissions process in general your local authority can give you information about a Choice Adviser who will be able to support you. Alternatively, your child’s primary Headteacher may be able to help. General advice about Catholic schools can also be obtained from the Nottingham Diocese Education Service (01332 293833) For further information please see How to Apply


Main School Prospectus

Please download a copy of the main school prospectus here.

Sixth Form Prospectus

Please download a copy of the Sixth Form Prospectus here.


Click here to view the St Thomas Aquinas CMAT Admissions Policies

Admissions appeals

For the Schools Appeals Timetable click here(opens in new tab)

For Schools Appeals Late Applications click here(opens in new tab)

For Schools Appeals Late Appeals click here 


Please click here for information on Sixth Form admissions