An effective praise system is in place for Years 7-13.​

We expect a high standard of behaviour from all our students in lessons and around the school. You should always follow The English Martyrs Way and demonstrate your commitment to upholding the Catholic Ethos of the school and our Motto “May they All be One.” This will be demonstrated through the following values of: 

  • Excellence: We aspire to be better every day. Success is a journey and failure is part of the learning journey. 
  • Hardworking: (of a person) tending to work with energy, commitment and diligence
  • Resilience:  be determined to never give up, regardless of setbacks. To look for solutions when facing a problem. 
  • Welcoming: We recognise and celebrate diversity while being friendly considerate and welcoming to all.
  • Respect: have due regard for (someone’s feelings, wishes, or rights)
Your teacher will award you with an English Martyrs Way Achievement point when you demonstrate any of the 5 values outlined above. You will receive an outstanding contribution point (+2) when you do something extra special in lessons or around the school. During the year you will receive the following achievement awards when you reach a certain number of points. 
At various points students will get Head of Year letters, English Martyrs’ Way bookmarks and certificates and badges for bronze, silver, gold and platinum awards.  Please note the milestone numbers will be reviewed periodically and are subject to change.



Students are expected to follow the school rules at all times. In the first instance, those who do not will be reminded of the school’s expectations by members of staff. If this does not lead to an improvement, parents will be contacted and sanctions may apply. These include After School Detention and working in the Reflection Room. In exceptional circumstances a student may be suspended from school. All detentions are set through Arbor and email confirmation is sent to notify parents. Detentions must be attended on the date set.

For all information on Rewards & Sanctions please read our Student Behaviour Policy.