At English Martyrs’ Catholic School we know that high attendance is a key factor in student well-being and exam success. Historically, the trend in our GCSE results show that students who have attendance above 95% achieve better outcomes at GCSE grades than students with attendance below 95%


We have an extensive support team in place to ensure every student at English Martyrs’ Catholic School has high attendance and is well supported through any difficulties they are facing. This support network extends to parents and carers.

Attendance Team

Mrs W Bradshaw: Attendance Officer

Ms P Rene: Educational Welfare Officer (EWO)

Mrs B Collins: Designated Senior Mental Health Lead & Pastoral Support

Mr R Manger: Pupil Premium Lead Teacher

Mr D Hawkes: Senior Leadership Attendance Lead

Heads of Year and Pastoral Support Assistants are also on hand to support our students and parents with any attendance issues.

Should you wish to contact a member of the Attendance team please email

Our attendance policy can be viewed in the Policies section of the website.

Requests for term time leave of absence

These requests must be made in writing to Mr Calen if the parent/carer believes there are exceptional circumstances that warrant the leave of absence (as per the government guidelines).

All requests will be responded to in writing.

It is the policy of the governors not to authorise holidays in term time.

For more information on the Local Authority policies on fixed penalty notices for term time leave, please see useful links at the bottom of the page.


It is the school policy to work with parents of students whose attendance falls below 95% whatever the reason for absence and to work with parents of students whose attendance is a cause for concern.

Persistent Absence.

Since 2015, the government have advised that Persistent Absence (PA) is when “a student enrolment’s overall absence equates to 10 per cent or more of their possible sessions.” Therefore any student whose attendance is 90% or below is classified as Persistently Absent from school.

For more information on attendance statistics please follow the link to the government guidance below:

Useful Links for parents & Carers

Working Together with Schools to Improve attendance

Is my child too ill for school? – NHS Guidance

Attendance and truancy (

Letter Regarding Unauthorised Absences

Childrens Attendance | CAWS | Education Welfare Officer

A guide to absence statistics (