All applications must be made to the appropriate Local Authority online. This is the legal application form. You should also complete a Supplementary Form for each Catholic school named in your preferences. The information on the Supplementary Form will enable governors to place applications in the correct category. Supplementary Forms are normally available from primary schools or from the relevant secondary schools. All forms should be returned by the stated closing date. Late applications can only be accepted in extreme circumstances.
If you are expressing a preference for a place for your child at a Catholic school in Nottingham Diocese:
You should complete the Supplementary Form for EVERY Catholic school to which you are applying. If you do not complete this form the governors will not be able to place your application in the correct category.
The ‘Supplementary Information Form’ is available for download here
Please also read the St Thomas Aquinas CMAT Admissions Policies for your preferred school(s) and your Local Authority Booklet before completing the form. These will explain where and when to return this form.
The Leicester City Education and Learning Website has information regarding Application to Secondary Schools. You must also complete the Common Application with your local authority – Leicester / Leicestershire.
If a child is not offered a place, parents/carers have a statutory right to appeal. This should be done by writing to the school setting out your grounds for appeal no later than twenty school days after the decision letter has been received. The appeal will be arranged on behalf of the governors by the Catholic Schools Appeals Service and will be heard by an independent panel. The decision of the panel will be binding on the school.
Information regarding the Schools Application Appeals Process is available here.