At English Martyrs’ we take reports of bullying very seriously. Bullying contravenes our values and we have clear structures in place to deal with bullying. Our bullying policy is available to all parents and a student version is available to all members of our community. Students receive excellent anti-bullying education throughout their school life and our outstanding pastoral system supports this. Students are encouraged to report all instances of bullying to any member of staff and the matter will be dealt with immediately.

The school has gained numerous Anti-bullying in the Community Award. These identify English Martyrs’ as a place where our students feel happy and safe. We were commended on the positive Catholic ethos that underpins the learning and behaviour of our students and on the strong support structures and relationships that exist in the school. The caring attitude of all staff and governors was identified as a major factor in contributing to a real culture of respect.

English Martyrs’ Anti Bullying Policy is available to view here.

The Code of Conduct

At English Martyrs’ School the following simple rules help us to live together as a harmonious Christian community.

  • Treat all members of the school community with respect and consideration.

  • In conversation with others, be polite, courteous and truthful at all times.

  • Walk quietly around the school and keep to the left in corridors.

  • Leave valuable items, such as mobile telephones, at home.

  • Treat school property with respect, eating only in specified places and placing litter in the bin.

  • Be on time to school and lessons and come properly equipped.

  • Co-operate with staff in and out of lessons.

  • Never do anything which puts another person’s health or safety at risk.

  • Work to the best of your ability and help everyone to learn.

  • Take pride in school by wearing school uniform correctly and representing the school to the best at all times.