At English Martyrs’ School the following simple rules help us to live together as a harmonious Christian community.

  • Treat all members of the school community with respect and consideration.

  • In conversation with others, be polite, courteous and truthful at all times.

  • Walk quietly around the school and keep to the left in corridors.

  • Leave valuable items, such as mobile telephones, at home.

  • Treat school property with respect, eating only in specified places and placing litter in the bin.

  • Be on time to school and lessons and come properly equipped.

  • Co-operate with staff in and out of lessons.

  • Never do anything which puts another person’s health or safety at risk.

  • Work to the best of your ability and help everyone to learn.

  • Take pride in school by wearing school uniform correctly and representing the school to the best at all times.