On 11th May, a group of 12 Year 9 students visited the University of Warwick for their Graduation Ceremony

All 12 of these students participated in the ‘Scholars Programme’ run by the Brilliant Club. This programme was delivered by PhD tutors from Leicester University and allowed students to experience University-style learning in small group tutorials.

During these tutorials, they learnt about atherosclerosis and ‘How a burger could turn into a heart attack’. The PhD tutor not only shared their subject knowledge and passion for learning with students but also stretched and challenged students beyond the curriculum.

As the course progressed, students also developed many skills such as time management, independent learning, data analysis, presentation skills, leadership and most importantly, resilience.

At the end of the programme students, completed a final assignment for which they authored the following essay: ‘Is a global shift to a plant-based diet the path to tackling the world’s number one killer: Atherosclerosis?’

The final essays were marked in university–style and vast majority of students achieved top grades of a 1st or a 2:1.