This term, the school library is delighted to be hosting a pop-up book shop from Scholastic.
The book fair will be in the library from 17th- 23rd April and students will be able to browse over 200 of the newest and best books from over 60 publishers, including exclusive titles that you won’t see in shops or at any other Fairs.
If students wish to purchase a book, they can pay directly with a contactless or card payment or fill out a wish list and pay for any orders online, directly to Scholastic (link below). They will need to return the wish list to the library and their book will be delivered to them in school within a few days.
If you wish to see more information about the books available, please click on this link: The Book Fair Range – Teen – Scholastic Book Fairs
“Based on a survey of 44,097 children aged 8-18 in the UK, our Book ownership, literacy engagement and mental wellbeing report found that: Children who have a book of their own at home have higher levels of mental wellbeing than those who don’t have any books” (National Literacy Trust)
The excitement for reading doesn’t end after the event – every book sold at the Book Fair helps to earn free books for our school to go into classrooms and the library. If you wish to place an order, go to Find school – Scholastic Book Fairs and enter the school name or postcode (LE4 0FJ) or follow this link:
Orders will need to be placed before Tuesday 23rd April.