BTEC Level 3
The course is equivalent to 1 A-Level
Students will cover four units across two years:
Anatomy and Physiology – Written examination set and marked by Pearson. 1.5 hours, 90 marks
Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being – A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions.
Controlled assessment
– In Part A, learners will be provided with a case study two weeks before a supervised assessment period in order to carry out research.
– In Part B, the supervised assessment period is two hours over a period of two days timetabled by Pearson.
– Written submission. 60 marks.
Professional Development in the Sports Industry – Coursework
Practical Sports Performance – Coursework
Assessment for the course is a mixture of examinations, controlled assessment, coursework and assessment of a student’s ONE individual and ONE team practical sporting performance.
The grading criteria is as follows:
Distinction* – A*
Distinction – A
Merit – C
Pass – E
Exam Board: Pearson
5 Grade 4’s and above to include a minimum of a MERIT grade in Level 2 BTEC Sport or a 4 in GCSE PE. Having a sound knowledge and an enthusiasm for biology would also be an advantage to the course.
The Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport provides a route into higher education for courses such as Foundation degrees and Honours degrees in sport related disciplines as well as health professions. There are opportunities to progress into employment in areas such as teaching, coaching, sport development, sport science and the healthcare profession.