A Levels
You will learn the fundamentals of Psychology and develop skills valued by Higher Education (HE) and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking and research.
AS Psychology
– Introductory topics in Psychology (Social influence, Human memory, Attachment) – This includes diverse questions such as why do we conform to other? How does our memory work? Why do infants become attached to their caregiver?
– Psychology in context (Approaches, Psychopathology, Research Methods) – This includes questions such as how can we explain human behaviour from the perspective of the main approaches in psychology? How can we explain and treat phobias, depression and OCD?
A Level Psychology
– Introductory topics in Psychology (Social influence, Human memory, Attachment, Psychopathology)
– Psychology in context (Approaches, Biopsychology, research methods) – E.g. How does the brain work? How do we study the brain?
– Issues and Options in Psychology (Issues and debates in Psychology, Option topics: Human relationships, Schizophrenia and Forensic Psychology)
PLEASE NOTE: The option topics offered may change depending on specification changes, popularity, resource availability etc.
You will answer a variety of questions such as multiple choice, short answer and extended writing / essays,
AS Psychology – Students will sit all the AS exams at the end of Year 1
– Paper 1 – Introductory topics in Psychology – Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes (50% of AS Level)
– Paper 2 – Psychology in context – Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes (50% of AS Level)
A Level Psychology – Students will sit all the A level exams at the end of Year 2
Paper 1 – Introductory topics in Psychology – Written exam: 2 hours (33.3% of A Level)
Paper 2 – Psychology in context – Written exam: 2 hours (33.3% of A Level)
Paper 3 – Issues and Options in Psychology – Written exam: 2 hours (33.3% of A Level)
Exam Board: AQA
PLEASE NOTE: Option topics offered in Paper 3 may change depending on specification changes, popularity, resource availability etc.
5 Grade 4s and above to include Grade 4 in GCSE Maths and Grade 4 in at least one GCSE Science subject.
A level Psychology is the ideal starting point for those who want to work in any career which involves working with people e.g. Police, nursing, teaching etc. It also provides the first step towards being a Chartered Psychologist e.g Forensic, Clinical, Occupational Psychology etc.