On Tuesday 14th September, students in Years 9, 10, 11 and Sixth Form watched Chelsea’s Story.
‘Chelsea’s Story’ is an innovative and powerful production highlighting the very serious and emotional issue of child sexual exploitation. The film showed how young people, boys and girls, are groomed by adults for the purposes of sexual exploitation using various methods, ensnaring young people and eventually taking complete control and dominating their whole lives.
The play/film has been seen by over 950,000 young people & thousands of professionals and has proven highly effective at covering:-
· What makes a Healthy Relationship
· What makes an Unhealthy Relationship
· Safe Internet Use/Sexting
· The Grooming Process, CSE & the differing methods that perpetrators can use
· Avoiding Victim Blaming
· Where to go for help & advice
For adult audiences it also:-
· Raises awareness of the warning signs of exploitation
· Raises awareness of the journey that young people may have been on that has resulted in them being exploited – a journey that can all too easily make it seem as though they have ‘made their own choices’ and can leave them not seeing themselves as victims and fighting against any intervention.
This is a powerful and thought-provoking topic. Please take time to ask your son/daughter about this. The school website has advice on our safeguarding page, and the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads are available for any questions.