Dear Parents,

Non-Uniform Day – Thursday 3rd February 2022

On Thursday 3rd February, we will be holding a non-uniform day to fundraise for the Catholic Life Hardship fund.

Students should come to school in appropriate casual clothes, suitable for the school day and appropriately modest. For Health and Safety reasons jewellery must not be worn and shoes should be sensible, safe and appropriate for school practical activities.

The usual high standard of conduct and manners are expected. Students are asked not to bring expensive items of clothing to school.

A donation of a minimum of £1 is requested from each student (£2 for a family). Students should please bring a £1 coin for payment if possible.

On the day, lessons will be taught as normal. Students must bring all their books and equipment. PE and Dance kit is to be worn as usual. If a student does not wish to join in the event, full school uniform is required.

I hope that we can all work together to raise a substantial sum of money for the Catholic Life Hardship fund.

Yours sincerely,

M Calen

Head of School